Ponsel ini sangat meningkat ketika firmware berubah ke hampir identik saudara, yang W610i. Bila Anda mengubah hal itu, Anda akan berakhir dengan Walkman 2.0 yang brilian perangkat lunak (dengan Mega Bass dll) dan fitur-fitur mewah seperti flash menu. Pada dasarnya, Anda mengubahnya menjadi W610i dengan kamera yang superior. Di bawah ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana Anda melakukan ini (Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang disebabkan ke telepon Anda, gunakan dengan resiko anda sendiri, juga, ini dapat membatalkan garansi Anda. Firmware gambar yang tersedia di situs ini, bukan terbaru versi.
hal yang dibutuhkan
* Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista (x86 NOT AMD64 OR ITANIUM64!!!)
* SEMC Flash Driver installed (just install the Sony Ericsson update service to get this)
mau tahu info lebih,, follow this link
HTML Code:
* W610i FS Image (EUROPE 2 R1KG001 http://www.josephn.net/download/dl.p...PE_2_RED52_fbn
* W610i MAIN Imaghttp://www.josephn.net/download/dl.p...C_NA_RED52_mbne (EUROPE 2 R1KG001
* FastPort USB Cable (the one you get with the phone)
Pertama-tama, Anda harus melakukan backup untuk semua kontak Anda dan file, dan menghapus kartu m2 mikro Anda jika ada.
Matikan telepon Anda, lalu keluarkan dan masukkan kembali baterai. Setelah selesai, tetap menekan tombol C
Start XS + +, Anda harus mendapatkan layar ini
Click Connect
Tetap menekan tombol C, dan masukkan kabel USB
Jika telepon Anda ditemukan, Anda akan melihat informasi muncul
arahkan kursor ke "Flash Main Firmware" and click the "..." button. pilih lokasi file bernama "W610_R1KG001_MAIN_GENERIC_NA_RED52.MBN"
arahkan ke "Flash File System" and click the "...". pilih lokasi file bernama "W610_R1KG001_FS_EUROPE_2_RED52.FBN"
lalul klik "Customize File System"
Select the phone model "K800", and no this is not a type.
Select the CDA/Region named "EUROPE_2 (CDA102568/11)"
Now, you can click "Flash". Make sure the process is not interrupted, you do not have to intervene at any stage. Here in the screenshot, the Main firmware is being flashed. After this has been finished, XS++ will then begin flashing the Filesystem, see below.
In this screenshot, the Filesystem is being flashed. This will happen straight after the Main firmware has been flashed.
When XS++, says "Disconnected...Unplug the phone", you may unplug your phone and close XS++. DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE IT SAYS THIS, EVEN IF FLASHING APPEARS TO HAVE FINISHED.
Remove and Re-insert your phone battery, then turn it on. You will be able to select Normal and Flight-Mode and then you will see a screen saying "Please Wait", with a progress bar. This stage takes about 2 minutes, after that, it's done!
You now have a K550 running as a W610. Now you can re-insert your micro m2 card, and restore your contacts etc.
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